- Written By: Lyndsey Gavin, GO Resilient
- 1. Make a commitment to social media
They say it takes up to a year to really get the hang of social media, so first of all, be gentle with yourself and KEEP going!
Once you’ve made a commitment to social media, stick with it – if you don’t see it working or making a difference in your business within two years of that commitment, then I give you permission to quit… But if you take the following steps, stick with it, and really try, it WILL be worth it! Keep in mind, social media requires a true time commitment and the algorithms favour those who are active and consistent in posting, sharing, commenting as well as creating great content.
Create a SMART social media strategy, write it down in order to hold yourself accountable, and keep posting!
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-based
- 2. Show off your personality
There is only one you.
Cliché, I know. But the best social accounts come from creators who are authentic and different.
The best way to be different, is to be exactly who you are! Let your personality shine through in your captions, in your photos, and most importantly, in your videos.
Yes, videos. I know it can be super uncomfortable at first, but show your face on your stories and in your posts. People connect with people (not room shots, or product info, let’s be honest).
Which leads me to my next point…
- 3. Don’t be afraid to go on camera
The most success has come (for me at least) from getting on that camera and chatting it out.
It’s the stories that sell, not the product!
We, as humans, connect to stories. It is the emotional attachment that a brand builds with their audience that makes all the difference. Stories inspire ideas and encourage interaction.
The most compelling way to tell a story? Well, on your Instagram story of course! It’s awkward at first… pointing the camera at your own face and talking, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll get and the more people will be compelled to watch.
If you are still feeling a little awkward ask a colleague of someone from the industry to join in on your video so you can share the awkwardness and bounce ideas off one another.
Take a look at my good friends at Nature’s Carpet – their video section is amazing. They have a video series Wool Carpet Wednesdays and are always hilarious, captivating, and telling amazing stories.

- 4. Use the right hashtags
Research the top hashtags in your industry, and USE them!
I use www.hashtagify.me – you simply plug in the hashtag you want to research and it will tell you which hashtags are similar, and how the one you’re looking at is trending in popularity.
Hashtags are important to attract new followers. Stay away from the generic ones like #instadaily and #beautiful – do a bit of research on the top hashtags in your industry.
Don’t over-do it though – pick 10 and save them in your notes on your phone for easy access.
- 5. Connect with your community
The best way to grow your community is to be a big part of it!
Like, comment, share on your stories – don’t just post without interacting with others… that’s like talking at someone and not letting them talk, and expecting that to be a successful conversation. Interaction is key. If you don’t have time to create content and post, that’s okay but don’t halt your momentum. Log into social and support those who are creating and posting, that way, when your time comes, you’ll have an army of support at your side and the algorithm will love you for it.